Many of the synthetic surfaces we offer at Action Floor Systems® are ideal for sports use. That’s our specialty, of course.
However, you can use Action Herculan® flooring options in a wide variety of other applications, and these sustainable synthetic floors provide many benefits to both the installer and the end user.
Let’s take a look at the possibilities and get some insight from Cory Corullo, our in-house expert on synthetic flooring.
1. Commercial Flooring
The attractive appearance of high quality synthetic floors should not be ignored as these surfaces can provide plenty of aesthetic appeal.

Coffee shop setting with synthetic flooring.
For traditional retail environments, such as department stores and grocery stores as well as restaurants and coffee shops, a surface like Action Herculan IG (industrial grade) gives businesses the benefit of durability and cleanability along with color options.
Synthetic flooring can be designed to complement a building’s interior or to match your brand’s colors.
Other common commercial flooring applications for Herculan IG include car dealership showrooms and garages as well as banks and other financial institutions.
Depending on the scope of the project, business operations can carry on as usual while an Action Herculan floor system is installed.
“The water-based topcoat used with our solvent-free flooring makes installation possible with minimal interruptions,” Cory says.
2. Senior Living Facilities
There are many good reasons to choose synthetic surfaces inside facilities like nursing homes and assisted living centers. These are places where ease of cleaning and maintaining a sanitary living environment are important. Action Floors’ synthetic systems offer these advantages. Yet, there are other benefits, too.
Action Herculan RH is designed for roller hockey applications, but it’s also ideal for wheelchair use. Cory says that means it works for competitive sports like wheelchair basketball as well as daily use in a senior care facility.
Many senior care operations include physical rehabilitation facilities where wheelchairs will be used frequently and there will be heavy foot traffic. The resilience of Action Herculan RH along with the fact it provides a seamless floor make it an ideal surface for a rehabilitation setting.
Other softer synthetic products can be useful in areas where seniors will be exercising. Cory says installing options like Herculan PE (point elastic) and Herculan ME (mixed elastic) work well because of the shock absorption, which helps protect the joints of older adults.
3. Healthcare Settings
Hospitals and other healthcare operations, such as rehab centers we’ve already mentioned, provide another opportunity for institutional use of synthetic flooring options.
Cory says products like Action Herculan MF (multi-function), Action Herculan IG, and Action Herculan SR (spike resistant) create a hygienic environment in places like emergency rooms, hospital waiting areas, ICUs and NICUs. The right flooring option can also provide extra comfort for healthcare professionals who need to stand for long periods of time.
Synthetic floors deliver antimicrobial benefits as well. “Flooring that has grout or cracks leaves tiny spaces for bacteria to hide and grow,” Cory says. “Action Herculan floors are seamless, non-porous surfaces that help to maintain a sterile environment.”
It’s worth noting that there could be special requirements for operating room floors as they may need to be electrically grounded. Cory also says that hospitals should avoid using bleach on synthetic floors because it can cause staining. There are several other types of disinfecting cleaners that will work well.
4. Religious Facilities
Churches of all sizes will have different areas in the building where the advantage of a synthetic surface makes a lot of sense. That’s because a church tends to be more than just a place of worship, it’s a community center where people gather for many reasons.
For example, there are kitchens and meeting areas where an option like Herculan IG would be the right fit. There are also Sunday school classrooms and nurseries where easy cleanup is a necessity and comfort is a plus. In addition to the Action Herculan ME and PE options, the Action Reflex recycled rubber floor works well in areas where children will be playing.
Many churches will use the main sanctuary or auditorium area for other purposes when there are no services planned. It could also serve as a gym or a cafeteria. We often refer to these areas as cafetoriums.
Cory says a synthetic option like Herculan MF is a good fit for mixed use areas.
“A surface like that is better for wear and tear and will maintain its appearance long term,” he explains. “It also provides the shock absorption of an actual gymnasium floor.”
5. Educational Facilities
Action Floors provides helpful solutions to schools as they choose to update floors by replacing old classroom carpeting with a synthetic flooring option. You can read a case study on how a school district in Wisconsin replaced carpeting to address student allergy issues.
Choosing this type of surface is much more hygienic than carpeting, which gets dirtier and is harder to clean over time. Replacing carpets with synthetic floors will cut down on maintenance needs.
An added benefit for both the installer and the school is that Action Herculan flooring won’t require the school to shut down during installation. Because this is a solvent-free product with a nontoxic water-based topcoat, there will be no noxious fumes or chemicals to put anyone at risk of harm.
And, if the installation needs to take place during the school year, the convenience of our synthetic floors allows for minimal interruptions.
“We’ve been able to go into schools while classes are going on, and besides a little bit of noise, they barely even know we’re there,” Cory says.
He adds that our industrial grade epoxy floors (Herculan IG) work especially well in places like hallways, locker rooms and showers as well as food service areas, woodworking shops, home economics classrooms and science labs.
There are also specific synthetic flooring systems that are perfect in classrooms for preschool students. We recommend products like Action Herculan ME and PE or Action V-Sport (vinyl sheet flooring) in classrooms where pre-K, kindergarten and first grade students will be spending a lot of time on the floor and where messy situations are a very real possibility. Action V-Sport is treated to resist mold, fungus and bacterial growth.
6. Sporting Goods Stores
When athletes are wearing cleats with sharp spikes, you’ll want a floor that can withstand the beating. That’s why we offer Action Herculan SR, our spike-resistant option for locker rooms, dugouts, and track and field events at the collegiate level.
Action Herculan SR also provides a good opportunity for a retail application. Golf shops and sporting goods stores will have customers trying on cleats and walking around the building. With a spike-resistant synthetic floor, you’ll get protection, durability, and a classy appearance.
7. Doggie Daycares
Businesses that care for pets can also find a useful application for synthetic flooring.
People love their pets and, instead of leaving them home all day, many dog owners take their animals to a facility where they can get exercise and companionship.
Cory says Action Herculan IG works well in these types of businesses, as well as in animal shelters. It’s not so much that the dogs care about the floors, but people definitely do.
“We’ve done several doggie daycares”, Cory says. “Owners of these facilities like it mostly for the cleanability, but it also looks a lot nicer than concrete does. They want to cater to the owners of the pets who come in and see a really nice place so they know their dog will be well taken care of.”
And Plenty More!
It doesn’t stop there. These applications are just the beginning of the many possible ways you can implement synthetic floors in your next project.
Here are more uses to consider:
- Concession areas
- Laundry rooms
- Bathrooms
- Elevator floors
- Foyers and hallways
We bet you can think of other places to install synthetic surfaces. If you have questions, contact us today by email or call Action Floors at 1-800-746-3512. We can connect you with a flooring expert in your area.
You can also find out more about Action Herculan® products here on our website and get the right product specifications for your next project!